As we head into the New Year

My intentions for the New Year. . . . → Read More: As we head into the New Year

You are important too!

Take care of yourself. . . . → Read More: You are important too!

I am taking a break to look after me

Self-care is important, do that I can go back to taking care of others. . . . → Read More: I am taking a break to look after me

Take good care

It can be overwhelming right now; take good care. . . . → Read More: Take good care


Take care of yourself so you can keep up the good fight. . . . → Read More: Self-care

Pay attention to your body

If your body says no, listen to it. . . . → Read More: Pay attention to your body

Do something just for you

Practicing self-care can be the key to continue helping others. . . . → Read More: Do something just for you

I am sick

I can’t believe I feel this crappy – it’s been a long time since I have been sick. This is a short post this week! . . . → Read More: I am sick

It’s not over until it’s over

Do your part, no matter how small it seems. This world WILL become a better place. . . . → Read More: It’s not over until it’s over

You are not required to set yourself on fire

It is important to take care of yourself. Do you self-care – it is important! . . . → Read More: You are not required to set yourself on fire