More healthcare issues

More healthcare issues – more frustration and more pet peeves. I am not surprised. . . . → Read More: More healthcare issues


I am not used to pain – I don’t like it. . . . → Read More: Pain

Insurance and credit report

Why are insurance companies allowed to say I am a bad risk just because I don’t overuse credit? . . . → Read More: Insurance and credit report

Health insurance

Why are health insurance companies allowed to override what drug your doctor wants you to take? . . . → Read More: Health insurance

Health insurance – again, or really, STILL

I HATE insurance – I think they do nothing but try to confuse the insured so that the company can pay out as little as possible. . . . → Read More: Health insurance – again, or really, STILL

Health Insurance

Health insurance is just about health insurance companies making money – not about people being healthy. . . . → Read More: Health Insurance

Health Insurance Companies

Health Insurance companies don’t care about their insureds – they care only about money. . . . → Read More: Health Insurance Companies

G*$$!%&#$ greedy insurance companies

Health insurance companies are the absolute worst. Why are they allowed to do what they do? . . . → Read More: G*$$!%&#$ greedy insurance companies

Health insurance yet again

Why do we allow a greedy company to determine what drugs and healthcare procedures we can have? . . . → Read More: Health insurance yet again

Health Insurance – again

Health insurance needs a major overhaul! . . . → Read More: Health Insurance – again