It’s not over until it’s over

Do your part, no matter how small it seems. This world WILL become a better place. . . . → Read More: It’s not over until it’s over

Acknowledge the changes in your life

Everything that has happened to you has made you who and what you are. . . . → Read More: Acknowledge the changes in your life

There is always hope

Don’t get too comfortable with how things are – whether you like them or not, they will eventually change. . . . → Read More: There is always hope

A new day

It’s time to stop concentrating on what I can’t do, and to go out and do what I CAN do. . . . → Read More: A new day

Choices & decisions

I am always learning from sessions with my clients – and I hope I always do!  Today we were discussing how not only do we get to make our own choices, but others in our lives get to make their own choices as well.  And we may not always agree with the choice . . . → Read More: Choices & decisions

Recalibration part 2

Well, I’ve had a nice vacation, and it is time to get back into the swing of things.  I said at the end of the last post that I would give you some examples of when I have had to recalibrate, so here goes.

I have a GPS in my car, and sometimes I . . . → Read More: Recalibration part 2


Recalibration – is that something you do very often? Â Lately it seems to keep coming up for me – it seems like I am constantly recalibrating my position. Â Maybe that’s a good thing.

Every time I think of recalibrating, I think of that lovely story written by Emily Perly Kingsley, about planning a . . . → Read More: Recalibration

Consistent or Change?

Years ago –  it seems like another lifetime – I used to design software for insurance agencies.  The company I worked for had just put out the first GUI (graphical user interface) system for insurance agents – that’s how long ago it was. It was an exciting time – things were changing so . . . → Read More: Consistent or Change?

New Choice

Well, it took me a little longer than I had intended, but I am back to update you on my ‘New Choice’ experiment from the Judgment post I made a few weeks ago. I would have to say that it is working for me, and I have expanded it to more areas of my life.

. . . → Read More: New Choice

Following Your Dreams

I just read a great blog post about following your dreams at Strauberry Studios. Susan is a great writer, and a great friend, so I hope you will check out her blog! In it she refers to the ‘5’ book, by Dan Zadra.

This post really made me think about some things.  My life . . . → Read More: Following Your Dreams