I am weary

How did we fall this far, and is it too late for us? . . . → Read More: I am weary

Look for the good

You will see what you look for, so look for the good. . . . → Read More: Look for the good

Is it true or not?

Maybe it’s time to think and decide for ourselves. . . . → Read More: Is it true or not?

Five year rule

If it won’t matter in five years, forget it and move on. . . . → Read More: Five year rule

It’s how the message is presented

If you want your message really heard, pay attention to the presentation. . . . → Read More: It’s how the message is presented

Pay attention to your body

If your body says no, listen to it. . . . → Read More: Pay attention to your body


A sense of fairness may not always be realistic – but fairness is what I would like to see in this world. . . . → Read More: Fairness

Purple hair

I really don’t care if you like or hate my purple hair. . . . → Read More: Purple hair

I am pulling for you

I am pulling for you! May you have the strength to deal with it later. . . . → Read More: I am pulling for you

Happy Anniversary

I hope we remain as happy in the future as we are now. . . . → Read More: Happy Anniversary