Not doing too much

It’s almost Christmas; I have lots left to do, and I don’t care. I am going to get as much done as I can and let the rest go. I keep thinking there is so much left to get done, but the reality is that I can no longer do everything I used to do. . . . → Read More: Not doing too much

Have a wonderful December!

Whatever holidays you do or don’t celebrate, have a wonderful December! . . . → Read More: Have a wonderful December!


Enjoy yourself, however you celebrate. . . . → Read More: MERRY CHRISTMAS

Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays to all . . . → Read More: Merry Christmas

War on Christmas

There is no war on Christmas – say Happy whatever you want. . . . → Read More: War on Christmas

Happy Holidays

Enjoy whatever holidays that you celebrate! . . . → Read More: Happy Holidays

Holiday Traditions

Holiday traditions change as our families age – what are your traditions now? . . . → Read More: Holiday Traditions