What would it be if you did know?

Do you find yourself saying "I don’t know" often?  That seemed to be happening to me a lot, so much so that I was starting to feel like it was getting to be a habit.  After all, sometimes saying "I don’t know" is a lot easier than actually thinking about what you really . . . → Read More: What would it be if you did know?


Just thought I’d update you on my ‘stuckness’.  I did part my hair differently, and while no one seems to notice – at least no one has said anything – it does seem to make me think just a little differently.  And when I think about it, it does seem a little odd . . . → Read More: Unstuck?


Are you feeling stuck in a rut?  I don’t know if this is true for many, but I somehow seem to consistently get stuck in January.  Maybe it’s the weather; maybe it’s because I have been tied to a school year for so long that January feels like the middle of the year, not so . . . → Read More: Stuck?