If you’re going to be a writer, then you have to write. That’s pretty much true of whatever you are trying to ‘be.’ You have to continue doing what it is you want to do in order to get good at it. Hence, I am writing and posting. I love what Elizabeth Gilbert says in Big Magic, and I am paraphrasing here, as I have lent my book to someone and can’t get the exact quotation. What I took away was that, whatever your form of creativity is, you have to do it consistently. Everything you do is not going to be golden, e.g. every piece you write will not be worthy of a Pulitzer prize. But you need to make yourself available in case your muse, genius, inspiration – whatever you call it – decides to bless you with its presence. And one of the best ways to do that is to be consistent in the practice of your art form. Â And so I continue to practice…
I love this and it reminds me that you did not end up playing at Carnegie Hall without “one of the best ways to do that is to be consistent in the practice of your art form”. It directly applies to my creativity in Russell’s world! Thanks