I think I found my hope yesterday – in a book. I’ve been thinking about it, and it seems like “in a book” is as good a place as any in which to find hope. I don’t know that it matters where you find it; it is important to have it! I feel like a new woman – as corny as that sounds.
I didn’t even realize that I had lost it, but in retrospect I can see that I had. Having no hope seems to start a downward spiral for me, and that is the start of a depression that I would like to avoid, if possible. Depression can lead to fear – or maybe fear leads to depression – or maybe it is circular, but I know it is not good for me! I would suggest that you look for your hope. Sometimes hope is all you have, and when you lose it, it can seem like the end. Choose to find it and hang onto it! Having even just a sliver of hope to hold onto can make all the difference!
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