
I think one of the nicest feelings I get is when I realize what a wonderful son that my husband and I raised. I am pretty sure that it is in spite of us, and not because of us, but I am also sure we must have had at least a small hand in it. Parenting is hard work, and a lot of the time it is thankless work, but it is so worth it in the end to be able to look at a human being that you played a role in raising and saying, “I really like that guy.”

I think our only goal (besides keeping him alive) was to raise someone who would be a kind and nice person. It is our hope that he finds his way to something that he likes to do for a living, and is good at it. I think he is succeeding at that.

We managed to raise a kid who is not shy about telling us he loves us, and treats us and others well. I don’t know that I could ask for much more, though it might be nice if he won the lottery!

1 comment to Parenting

  • Nancy Rohar

    Oh, you had a big hand in how he turned out! I know he always knew he was loved, and that’s such a great and important thing. You nurtured his innate wonderfulness!

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