I have been having a difficult time with this website lately – I couldn’t get in to the back end last week or this. Now all of a sudden it works fine. Go figure! I have a sneaky suspicion that it has something to do with the fact that Mercury has been retrograde, and now it’s not. I tend to have these kinds of problems while this is going on, so I shouldn’t be surprised!
I am in kind of a good space this week – I hope it continues! Due to a bunch of things that have been going on, last year was kind of a blur for me. In fact, I kind of feel like I lost a year! However, in the last couple of weeks I have been feeling like I am coming out of my haze a little. I feel like I may be gaining a new perspective on things. Â I am not quite sure what that means yet, but stay tuned – maybe I will figure it out here!
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