
It’s time to take a break and count our blessings. Even when things seem to be going in the wrong direction, there are always things for which we can be grateful. I will start. This is not a complete list, and it is in no particular order: my husband and son, my family, both of my parents are alive and close to 90, people who encourage my writing, I think I have my vision issues solved, I can still walk, I have really good friends, my Nespresso machine, good coffee, I have time to ponder the Universe, my Buddha garden on my patio, the firemen who are relentlessly fighting all the fires, everyone who is fighting the Corona virus, people who wear masks to keep themselves and others safe, acupuncture, and I have a roof over my head and clean water. That is just a start of all the things I am grateful for. What blessings are you counting these days?

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